Introduction to smsDakia: SMS
smsDakia SMS is completly free for everyone. is a 100 % completly free website from where you can send FREE SMS to any mobile number in pakistan. You can send instant sms from internet to any mobile number in Pakistan.You can send free fast sms text messages from internet to zong network mobile numbers.
You can send free fast sms text messages from internet to telenor network mobile numbers.
You can send free fast sms text messages from internet to ufone network mobile numbers.
You can send free fast sms text messages from internet to mobilink network mobile numbers.
You can send free fast sms text messages from internet to warid network mobile numbers.
You can send extremely long SMS text messages to all mobile networks and mobile numbers in Pakistan.
The website servce is also reliable and sms text messages are sent from internet to mobile fast, instantly and within seconds.
One SMS can be sent to multiple reciepients with a single click.
Send free SMS to any mobile number in Pakistan. smsDakia is a free sms service that allows you to send sms to any number in Pakistan. Send SMS from internet to mobile phones for free. Avoid hassle of writing sms on your tiny mobile phone keyboards. sms are delivered to mobile phones fast and quick. This sms service is completly free." Go to sms Dakia Home